When you have two names as your sponsor you have to be twice as good and Domino's/Bob Johnson Chevrolet was just that in winning the 2017 SPA 55 Major Worlds June 21-23 at Dalton.
The 55 Major team sponsored by both Mark Gaiser Domino's and Bob Johnson Chevrolet ran the table in the double elimination bracket going 2-0.

The champs beat SW Thunder 25-23, 22-7 and Colorado's Scrap Iron RMT. The fourth team in the bracket was Legends of Texas.
“We have win five tournaments this year,” team spokesman Chris Schello said. “We are probably somewhere around 19-5 for the year.”
Domino's/Johnson is a building block organization. The Rochester based team have a 40, 50,55 and hope to have a 60's team next year.
The group is made up of players from Canada, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and other area states.
“We (sponsor and team) decided that was the best way to go,” Schello, who also plays on the 50 team said. “Everyone gets along so well and we want to keep the camaraderie going up through the next levels of play.”
“Surprisingly with players from different states who only see each other for a few tournaments in the summer we get along greatly,” he said. “It is similar to a yearly family reunion where we talk about last year, what we did during the offseason and where we want to play this year. It is really a fun and great group of guys and wives.”
Mark Gaisser managed the team in Dalton and was named SPA 50 2017 Manager Manager-of-the-Year while Tom Mastrodinato won a similar ISSA award managing the team in Richmond.
Members of the team are: Schello,manager, David Anderson, Michale Balta, Jerry Blair, John Fitzgerald, John Fontaine, Ronald Hargrove, Peter Madafferi, Tony Masciotra, Mastrodinato, Rick Moyer, Kirby Parent, David Parsnik, William Perkins, Stephen Skotnicki, David Tokanel, Joe Guiducco, Jeff Silveiro, Steve Deschence, Kevin Hayes, Robert Bennett, Michale Conway and Gaisser