Hollis Appraisals and AMR Special Taste Clean Planet Miken split the SPA
60 Major and Major Plus World titles July 20-21 in Dalton, Georgia.
Hollis won the Major plus crown and AMR the Major title in the double-round robin event.

Only four teams made it to the 60 Major and Major Plus World championships resulting in each team playing five games.
Hollis and AMR tied at 4-1 with each beating the other once. Hollis won its game 26-11 but lost 20-24 in the rematch. Hollis was named 60 Major Plus champ and AMR the 60 Major winner.
Gonzalez Insulation (2-3) was a 60 M finalist with the Golden Vipers (0-5) third in the majors.
Members of the Hollis Appraisals team are: Manager Audie Hollis, Jack Aronson, Robert P. Davis, Steven Dorrell, Jeffrey Frey, Curtis Hollis, Austin Hollis, Horace Jefferson, Timothy Jones, Richard Meltz, Mike Monnier, David Motta, Gary Nicday, Randy Parker, David Royalty, Norm Edwards, Edward Farrell and Lawrence Reedes.

Members of the AMTA Special Taste Clean Planet Miken are: Manager Jim Hanna, Gabriel Barrow, Gary Bealle, James Davenport, Flod Ellis, David Erdmann, Craig Fairbanks, Anthony Gabriel, Nucholas Garovfalis, Eric Gilliam, John Johnson, John H. Johnson, Mickey Maddy. Harold Phillips, Robert Schneider, Grant St.Amour, Robert Stewart, Timothy Thomas and John Van Wagner.